Laura Montesi is a CONAHCyT researcher based at the CIESAS (Centre for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology) in Oaxaca, Mexico. She is a medical anthropologist specialised in the study of chronic diseases and conditions, particularly among Indigenous populations with a focus on health disparities. She interweaves culturally grounded lived experiences with the workings of larger structural forces. Her research interests include the intersections of health, social inequalities, and violence, as well as food and culture, and language rights. She is co-editor of the books Managing Chronicity in Unequal States: Ethnographic Perspectives on Caring (UCL, 2021) and Los huaves en el tecnoceno. Disputas por la naturaleza, el cuerpo y la lengua en el México contemporáneo(INAH-Editpress, 2022).
Iván González Márquez is trained in psychology (UNAM) and anthropology (UAM). In recent years his main research topic has been the crisis of civilisation and the analysis of future scenarios to advise decision-making. He has been an advisor, designer and collaborator in agroecology, permaculture, hydrological design and biocultural conservation projects. Since 2022 he is a CONAHCyT researcher based at CIESAS South Pacific. He was tutor of the Oaxaca Node in the Inter-institutional Programme of Specialisation in Food Sovereignty and Management of Strategic Local Advocacy (PIES ÁGILES) of CONAHCyT.